Our First Days Living on The Edge

There’s an underlying attitude with most mission-teams that I’ve served with that assumes that mission trips should be goal-oriented, project-focused and should exist to “make things happen.” I’ve tended to measure the success of each of my short-term mission trips in bricks layed, orphans hugged and souls won. It just feels right. My values of efficiency, Christian duty and underlying feeling that my value is based on my accomplishments all contribute to this commonly held style of measurement. And don’t get me wrong – there’s absolutely nothing wrong with getting things done while you’re on a mission trip…

The Edge offers something completely different, though. The Edge Project is about building relationships – not just with team members or locals (though that is the certainly the context), but rather creating a lifestyle that prioritizes people and relationships and as a result allows for organic evangelistic moments that flow out of a face-to-face relationship with Jesus.

And I’m planning that this trip will be full of encounters with Him – as it already has, through late-night conversations, sunrise yoga, a.m. prayer groups, mid-day community meals, all-day service projects, afternoon coffee with strangers, evening worship sessions and anything else He leads us to.

1 comment:

  1. May the Lord bless these relationships you're forming and bring those people closer to Him through your presence in their life. And may he be glorified through yoga, too ;) I'm so proud of you babe!
